The 20th Central Asia-European Union Ministerial Meeting was held in Ashgabat on March 27, 2025.
It was attended by the heads of the foreign ministries of the Central Asian countries, as well as a European delegation led by the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Vice-President of the European Commission, Kaja Kallas.
The meeting participants discussed a wide range of issues related to multilateral cooperation in the political, diplomatic, trade, economic, cultural and humanitarian spheres.
The parties discussed preparations for the first EU-Central Asia Summit, to be held in April this year in Samarkand, Republic of Uzbekistan.
At the same time, the foreign ministers exchanged views on key areas of the regional and international agenda and reaffirmed the importance of joining forces in resolving pressing issues of our time.
The parties exchanged views on the development of trade, economic and investment cooperation between the countries of this format, paid special attention to the expansion of transport and digital connectivity, including within the framework of the European strategy “Global Gateway” to achieve digital, energy and environmental transformation.
The meeting discussed partnership on the introduction of alternative energy sources and the development of a “green” economy, taking into account Turkmenistan’s initiative to establish a Regional Center for Climate Change Technologies in Central Asia with headquarters in Ashgabat.
In addition, special attention was paid to the expansion of cultural and humanitarian ties, including the development of cooperation in education and science.
Following the results of the ministerial meeting, the Joint Communique of the 20th Central Asia-European Union Ministerial Meeting was adopted.
A side event entitled “International Year of Peace and Trust: Deepening Cooperation between Central Asia and the European Union” was also organized within the framework of the meeting, in accordance with the UN General Assembly resolution declaring 2025 the International Year of Peace and Trust.
In addition, bilateral meetings were held between the participants of the Central Asia–European Union ministerial meeting. ///nCa/MFA Turkmenistan, 28 March 2025
Joint communiqué – 20th EU-Central Asia Ministerial Meeting
- On 27 March 2025, the Foreign Ministers of the Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Deputy Foreign Ministers of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Kyrgyz Republic, as well as the European Union’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy (‘The Participants’) held their 20th European Union-Central Asia Ministerial meeting in Ashgabat.
- The Participants reaffirmed their joint commitment and political willingness to further strengthening their comprehensive partnership based on shared values and mutual interests, reflected in the ‘Joint Roadmap for Deepening Ties between the EU and Central Asia’ adopted by the participants at their last meeting in Luxemburg on 23 October 2023. They welcomed valuable progress achieved in all five key areas of the Joint Roadmap: inter-regional political dialogue and cooperation; enhancing trade, investment and economic ties; engaging on energy, climate neutral economy and connectivity; addressing common security challenges; and strengthening people-to-people contacts and mobility.
- The Participants discussed the preparations for the organisation of the first EU-Central Asia Summit on 4 April 2025, which will demonstrate their commitment to deepening ties, at the highest level, materialising closer strategic cooperation, and marking an important step in the intensification of EU-Central Asia relations. This builds upon the EU-Central Asia high-level regional meetings of the Heads of State of Central Asia and the President of the European Council, held in Astana in 2022 and Cholpon-Ata in 2023. Participants expressed their deep appreciation to the Republic of Uzbekistan for its offer to host the Summit in Samarkand.
- The Participants reiterated their commitment to work together for peace, security, promotion of fundamental rights and sustainable development. They reaffirmed their continuing and strong commitment to uphold the UN Charter and the fundamental principles of international law, including UNSC Resolutions 541(1983) and 550(1984), on which the enhancement of EU-Central Asia relations is based, in particular the respect for the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of all states, within their internationally recognized borders, including within the framework of all international and regional fora, and agreed to refrain from taking any steps that run contrary to them. In this context, with regard to the above-mentioned matters, Turkmenistan stated that it applies its international commitments in strict accordance with the principles of its permanent neutrality status. The participants called for the earliest possible achievement of a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in Ukraine according to the principles of the Charter of the United Nations. They emphasised the need to uphold the principles of the OSCE by the participating States. They reconfirmed the obligation of all States to refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force, to respect international humanitarian law and underlined the need for peaceful resolution of conflicts.
- The Participants acknowledged Turkmenistan’s lead in advancing the designation of 2025 as the International Year of Peace and Trust, an initiative adopted by the UN General Assembly. They stressed the importance of international arms control, disarmament and the non-proliferation architecture for global peace and security. Both the EU and Central Asian countries are firmly committed to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), which remains the cornerstone of the global nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation regime, and an important element in the development of nuclear energy applications for peaceful purposes in accordance with Article IV of the NPT. Therefore the EU welcomed the Treaty on a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in Central Asia. Furthermore, the Participants reiterated their support for the entry into force and universalisation of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) and acknowledged the significance of the UN General Assembly Resolution designating Central Asia as a ‘Zone of Peace, Trust and Cooperation’, introduced by Turkmenistan on behalf of the region. The Participants highlighted the role of preventive diplomacy as a key instrument for conflict prevention and resolution, in line with the mandate of the UN Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (UNRCCA) based in Ashgabat as reaffirmed in the UN Resolution on the role of the UNRCCA adopted by the initiative of Turkmenistan on behalf of the region. The Participants also reaffirmed their commitment to strengthening and universalising the Biological Weapons Convention, supporting the efforts of the BWC Working Group and the plan to hold a Special Conference. The Participants noted the significance of the UN General Assembly Resolution proclaiming 5 March as the International Day for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Awareness and emphasised the need to strengthen global efforts in promoting peace, security, and international stability.
- The EU shared information about the restrictive measures it has adopted in the current geopolitical context, underlining the critical importance of preventing sanctions circumvention. The Participants agreed to continue their cooperation on this issue, to avoid re-exports of common high priority items.
- The EU commended the continued work of the Central Asian countries to support good neighbourliness, mutual understanding and trust in the region. The Participants noted the importance of the UN General Assembly Resolution 72/283 of 22 June 2018 on strengthening regional and international cooperation to ensure peace, stability and sustainable development in Central Asia adopted at the initiative of Uzbekistan on behalf of the region. In this respect, the EU welcomed the strengthening of regional cooperation through the Consultative Meetings of the Heads of State of Central Asia, as well as at other levels representing regional cooperation on various issues, and took note of the importance of the ‘Treaty on Friendship, Good-Neighbourliness, and Cooperation for Development of Central Asia in XXI Century’ signed on 21 July 2022 in Cholpon-Ata by Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic and Uzbekistan. The Participants also took note of Turkmenistan’s upcoming 30th anniversary of Permanent Neutrality in 2025. The Participants noted the importance of further developing inter-parliamentary relations between Central Asia and the EU and welcomed the upcoming 150th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, which will be held for the first time in Central Asia, in Uzbekistan, from 5 to 9 April 2025.
- The Foreign Ministers of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and the Republic of Uzbekistan welcomed the EU’s continued commitment to the stability and prosperity of Central Asia, including its comprehensive approach, among others, through the Global Gateway strategy, multilateral, bilateral and regional financial assistance, the Team Europe and the International Cooperation on Nuclear Safety Initiatives, and the individual engagement of EU Member States and European financial institutions. The Participants emphasised the continued relevance of the EU Strategy for Central Asia (2019), which prioritises resilience, prosperity, and regional cooperation for the region’s future development. The Participants looked forward to the organisation of the next EU-Central Asia Economic Forum in 2025 in Uzbekistan, welcomed the proposal by Turkmenistan to host the next Forum in 2027 and recalled the importance of promoting more avenues and meetings for further deepening cooperation.
The Participants welcomed further progress in upgrading the institutional framework for bilateral agreements between the EU and its Member States and the countries of Central Asia, notably through the signing of the Enhanced Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (EPCA) between the EU and the Kyrgyz Republic in Brussels on 25 June 2024. They looked forward to the upcoming signing of the EPCA between the EU and its Member States and the Republic of Uzbekistan and welcomed the conclusion of the EPCA negotiations with the Republic of Tajikistan, expressing hope for the swift finalisation of the agreement. The Participants noted Turkmenistan’s proposal for enhancing the legal framework of its bilateral relations with the EU, expressing hope for progress on the matter. The EU encouraged efforts to improve the business climate in the countries of Central Asia, including promoting responsible business conduct, corporate social responsibility and corporate sustainability due diligence. The Participants reiterated their commitment to strengthening the multilateral trading system and working towards the necessary reforms of the World Trade Organization (WTO), including having a fully and well-functioning dispute settlement system. The EU reaffirmed its support for the Republic of Uzbekistan’s and Turkmenistan’s accession to the WTO. The Participants noted the role of the EU Generalised Scheme of Preferences (GSP) for the Republic of Tajikistan and EU GSP Special Incentive Arrangement for Sustainable Development (GSP+) for the Kyrgyz Republic and the Republic of Uzbekistan to increase access to the EU market and reinforce the link between international trade and respect of human rights including labour rights, environmental protection and good governance. - The Participants stressed the need to continue scaling up cooperation under the EU’s Global Gateway Strategy on sustainable connectivity between the EU and Central Asia in the areas of trade, transport, water, energy, climate change, digitalisation and critical raw materials, as well as people-to-people contacts, including in education, research and sustainable tourism. The Participants noted that Global Gateway programmes are key to significantly enhancing the overall connectivity and collaboration between the EU and Central Asia, strengthening ties based on sustainable and green growth, trade and investment.
- The Participants recalled the successful Global Gateway Investors Forum for EU-Central Asia Transport Connectivity that took place on 29-30 January 2024 in Brussels and welcomed the readiness of European and international financial institutions to commit 10 billion euros to the development of the Trans-Caspian Transport Corridor (TCTC) as a multimodal, modern, competitive, sustainable, predictable, smart and efficient network, that will substantially improve transport connections between Central Asia and Europe. The Participants welcomed the development of the TCTC contributing to better inter-connect countries in Central Asia, fostering cooperation and economic growth across the region. The Participants expressed their appreciation to the Republic of Kazakhstan for hosting the launch of the TCTC Coordination Platform at senior officials’ level in Astana on 12 June 2024, which will monitor progress and enhance regional cooperation along the TCTC. The Participants expressed their gratitude towards Turkmenistan for hosting the high-level launch of the Platform on 3 October 2024 in Ashgabat. They also underscored the importance of continuing the cooperation with a peaceful South Caucasus into the development of the TCTC to enhance regional trade and seamless logistical connectivity.
- The participants welcomed the increasing importance given to critical raw materials (CRMs) in EU-Central Asia relations, following the signature of Memoranda of Understanding establishing Strategic Partnerships in the field of CRMs between the EU and the Republic of Kazakhstan as well as between the EU and the Republic of Uzbekistan. They acknowledged the EU’s support in strengthening local value chains in Central Asia, aligning with European and international standards for decent work and environmental protection, and fostering sustainable investment projects.
- The Participants agreed that expanding digital connectivity in line with the highest international standards is essential for the inclusive and sustainable development of economies and societies. Concerning the regional Team Europe Initiative on Digital Connectivity in Central Asia, all components have been adopted in 2024, allowing for a start of activities in 2025. All Participants looked forward to work together to ensure the successful implementation of the programme.
- The Participants reiterated the importance of advancing the rule of law, democracy, good governance and accountability, gender equality and universal human rights, including labour rights and fundamental freedoms. They discussed and recalled the importance of protecting and guaranteeing media freedom, freedom of expression, assembly and association and labour rights, free and fair elections and non-discrimination in all its aspects. That includes ensuring that women and girls fully enjoy their human rights, and to safeguard the freedom of religion and belief and the rights of persons belonging to ethnic and other minorities, persons with disabilities and other vulnerable groups. The Participants exchanged views on the need to build societal resilience against disinformation and hate speech, including hatred against all groups and nationalities. They recalled the importance of aligning national legislation, policies and actions on freedom of opinion and expression with international obligations. They stressed the importance of further promoting the full, equal and meaningful participation of women in decision-making. In this context, the Participants are looking forward to the EU-Central Asia Forum of Women Leaders in Turkmenistan in 2025 to be organised at the initiative of the EU and Turkmenistan. The Participants also reiterated the need for cooperation to identify and create new opportunities for the youth in Central Asia. In addition, they emphasised the importance of facilitating meaningful civil society participation in decision-making. The Participants reiterated the importance of preventing and fighting corruption. They welcomed the fifth EU-Central Asia Civil Society Forum held on 28-30 January 2025 in Almatyand looked forward to the implementation of the new regional Civil Society Facility.
- The Participants affirmed the need for their continued commitment to enhanced cooperation and the development of new approaches in the joint fight against organised crime, violent extremism, radicalisation, terrorism, drug trafficking, trafficking in human beings, migrant smuggling, cyber threats, including cybercrime and disinformation as well as addressing Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear risks whilst safeguarding human rights and media freedom. The participants recalled EU projects – Border Management Programme in Central Asia (BOMCA), Central Asia Drug Action Programme (CADAP), EU ACT 2 and LEICA 2, contributing to regional cooperation and security, border management and counter-narcotics efforts, and called for their continued efficient implementation to maximise long-term benefits. They welcomed the open and constructive dialogue held during the EU-Central Asia High-Level Political and Security Dialogue on 5 June 2024 in Brussels, the EU-Central Asia Drugs Dialogue on 11 December 2023 in Brussels, and the EU-Central Asia Expert Level Security Conference on 24 May 2024 in Tashkent. In this context, the participants also recalled the Dushanbe Process International Conference on Counter-terrorism Cooperation and Border Security, held on 4-5 November 2024 in Kuwait City.
- The Participants exchanged views on the regional security situation, including in Afghanistan. They emphasised that long-term stability in Afghanistan requires a peaceful and inclusive political process, among the various political, ethnic and religious groups, including the participation of women. In order to ensure sustainable peace, they called for the promotion and respect of universal human rights and fundamental freedoms of all citizens of Afghanistan, in particular of women and girls, as well as children and persons belonging to ethnic and religious groups and minorities. Participants called for full and equal access to education conforming to international standards and participation in public life of women and girls in Afghanistan, including in humanitarian work. They also acknowledged the ongoing efforts of the UN and its agencies, including the UN-led process initiated by the UN Secretary-General in May 2023 in Doha. Referring to UN Security Council Resolution 2721 (2023), the participants expressed their understanding of the need to develop a substantive roadmap with concrete steps aimed at an Afghanistan at peace with itself and its neighbours, fully reintegrated into the international community and meeting its international obligations.
- The Participants reviewed the outcomes of the meeting of EU and Central Asian Special Representatives and Envoys on Afghanistan, which took place on 4-5 February 2025 in Dushanbe and called for continued and enhanced cooperation in this format. They emphasised the importance of their dialogue and complementary activities, notably on addressing regional economic and security challenges, as well as the human rights situation in Afghanistan, including the rights of women and girls as well as the rights of minorities in the country, and inclusive governance.The Participants noted the importance of cross-border trade for stabilizing the socio-economic situation in Afghanistan and of targeted assistance to the Afghan people. In this regard, the Participants welcomed the adoption of the UN General Assembly resolution that formalises the UN Regional Centre for SDGs for Central Asia and Afghanistan in Almaty to accelerate achievement of SDGs in the region. The Participants also welcomed the decision to include the regional Transport and Logistical Hub in Termez into the Global Supply Network of the UNHCR.
- The Participants expressed serious concern about the global and existential threat posed by the triple planetary crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution, acknowledging the urgent need for immediate, accelerated action and strengthened ambition. They stressed the importance of following up on the global efforts agreed in the Global Stocktake decision taken at COP 28, including through the work on more ambitious Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). The Participants acknowledged initiatives promoting the strengthening of the resilience of mountain ecosystems, including relevant dialogues having taken place during recent UN climate change conferences. In this respect, the Participants recognised the importance of the UNGA Resolution on “Sustainable Mountain Development”, declaring 2023–2027 as the ‘Five Years of Action for the Development of Mountain Regions’, to enhance international cooperation on the mountain agenda. Additionally, they noted Kyrgyzstan’s intention to hold the Second Global Mountain Summit, ‘Bishkek+25’, in 2027.
- The participants also welcomed the commitment of the international community for the remediation of uranium legacy sites at seven uranium tailings sites in three Central Asian countries, acknowledged the progress made in the Kyrgyz Republic and Uzbekistan, and agreed to jointly seek donor funding for the remaining part of the programme in Tajikistan. The Participants welcomed the outcomes of the EU-funded regional programme addressing the negative impacts of uranium waste on local communities and the environment. This includes efforts to improve socio-economic conditions around the uranium legacy sites in Tajikistan, the Kyrgyz Republic and Uzbekistan.
- The Participants called for continued regional cooperation on water issues when climate change is putting additional strain on water resources in Central Asia. The Participants commended the strong EU support to water cooperation regionally, including to the reforms of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea (IFAS). The Participants reaffirmed that transboundary water cooperation is vital for the development of the region and agreed to pursue the positive momentum in international cooperation,in line with the 7th EU-Central Asia High-level Conference on Environment and Water Cooperation (Rome 2023) and in the perspective of the next IFAS Summit (Kazakhstan, 2026), and UN Water Conferences (2026 and 2028). The Participants also recognised the importance of the Dushanbe Water Process and acknowledged international initiatives such as the One Water Summit in 2024. They also emphasised the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, including through the Global Methane Pledge, and called for the accelerated deployment of renewable energy sources and improved energy efficiency to support a fair transition.
- The Participants expressed support for domestic and international efforts to halt biodiversity loss in relation to the 16th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 16 CBD) held from 21 October to 1 November 2024 in Cali, Colombia. To deliver on the Global Biodiversity Framework they highlighted the need to submit sound National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plans (NBSAPs) as well as scale up biodiversity finance through all sources, including through innovative instruments and better synergies with climate finance. The Participants expressed support for international efforts to tackle land degradation, desertification and drought, notably referring to the 16th Conference of the Parties to the Convention to Combat Desertification (COP 16 UNCCD) held from 2 to 13 December 2024 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, which committed participating states to prioritise land restoration and drought resilience in national policies and international cooperation, and which discussed options for addressing droughts under the Convention.
- The Participants commended the work of the Team Europe Initiative on Water, Energy and Climate Change, including the launch of its Secretariat, new actions promoting regional cooperation on water and energy (EU4SustainableCentralAsia), as well as the ongoing work of the Central Asia Water and Energy Programme (CAWEP) and the Sustainable Energy Connectivity in Central Asia (SECCA) project. They also looked forward to the upcoming events, including the High-Level International Conference on Glaciers’ Preservation, which will take place in Dushanbe from May 29-31, 2025 and the 8th High-Level Conference under the EU-Central Asia Platform for Environment and Water Cooperation, scheduled for 2026. Realizing the critical importance of cryospheric sciences for sustainable development, the Participants commended the Republic of Tajikistan and the French Republic for their initiative in advancing the adoption of the UNGA Resolution in August 2024, declaring the years 2025-2034 as the ‘Decade of Action for Cryospheric Sciences’. The Participants noted the importance of the upcoming Regional Climate Summit to be held in 2026 in Astana and the International Climate Conference in Samarkand on 4 April 2025.
- The Participants welcomed their cooperation on education, vocational training, and skills development as essential for ensuring the sustainable and inclusive socio-economic development in Central Asia. They commended the work under DARYA (Dialogue and Action for Resourceful Youth in Central Asia) programme to advance cooperation on technical and vocational education and training, and highlighted the additional potential offered by the international dimension of the Erasmus+ programme. The Participants recognised the value of international research and innovation cooperation between their regions, and called for joint engagement in promoting the scientific collaboration and funding opportunities existing under the EU’s Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon Europe. The Participants welcomed the successful completion of the project that delivered training for diplomats and officials from Central Asia at the College of Europe on 13-24 May 2024 in Bruges and look forward to further joint learning initiatives. In this respect, the Participants welcomed the EU developing a collaborative learning initiative in the form of a policy workshop for EU and Central Asian diplomats, actively involved in developing the partnership between the two regions. The Participants thanked Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan for offering to host and organise an EU-Central Asia Ministerial Meeting on Education in 2025 and expressed their interest in enhancing collaboration on education.
The Participants expressed their sincere appreciation to Turkmenistan for hosting the meeting and agreed to reconvene in 2026. The EU proposed to hold the next meeting in Brussels./// official website of the Council of the EU and the European Council