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UN University signs cooperation agreement with Angola on digital governance

The United Nations University – Operational Unit for Electronic Governance (UNU-EGOV), in Guimarães (Portugal), and the Institute for Administrative Modernization (IMA) of Angola signed this Wednesday a memorandum of understanding to cooperate in the areas of governance and the digital economy.

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The agreement was signed by the director of UNU-EGOV, Delfina Soares, and the director-general of IMA Angola, Meick Afonso, at the UNU-EGOV headquarters, in Couros, Guimarães, Braga district.

"Our hope is that this partnership will result in fruitful and lasting results for both parties, benefiting the development of digital governance. Angola has developed recognized work in the area of ​​modernizing Public Administration and it is with great enthusiasm that we begin this cooperation agreement, which aims to foster the sharing of knowledge and good practices in this field", highlighted Delfina Soares, at the end of the signing of the memorandum.

The IMA general director said that the signing of this memorandum of understanding "is an opportunity for Angola to expand its knowledge base".

"I believe that this is also an opportunity for UNU-EGOV to use the IMA platform to deepen its studies. Angola is in the process of solidifying its maturity, with major challenges for the economy, and the advent of new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence poses additional challenges. Despite the results achieved to date, Angola has a long way to go," stressed Meick Afonso.

The memorandum of understanding defines the areas of cooperation between the two entities, which include research activities, training, advisory services, knowledge sharing and collaboration networks.

One of the first projects to move forward, to be carried out in the coming months, within the scope of this memorandum of understanding, is the holding of the seminar 'Immersion on Digital Government' aimed at senior leaders of the Government of Angola, dedicated to the implementation of the Digital Transition Agenda of the Public Administration of Angola.

This project aims to "boost digital transformation, optimize administrative processes and improve the efficiency of public services".

UNU-EGOV focuses on research, advice, consultancy and training in the area of ​​digital governance. Its mission is to support the United Nations and its Member States in their respective digital transformation processes, promoting transparent, inclusive and effective governance.

The Institute for Administrative Modernization (IMA) is the public body responsible for promoting the modernization of Angola's Public Administration. Its work focuses on process reengineering, simplifying procedures and promoting digital transformation, with the aim of improving the quality of public services provided to citizens and companies.


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